Mustard Subfamily 2 (Brassicaceae) -- Genus E to Z
western wallflower (Erysimum asperum) -- in June -- Beartooth Highway, Gallatin NF, southern Montana yellow & orange
western wallflower (Erysimum asperum) -- in April -- Coyote Ridge Natural Area, Fort Collins Natural Area yellow & orange
western wallflower (Erysimum asperum) -- in June -- Pawnee National Grassland, Co
sanddune wallflower (Erysimum capitatum) -- in April -- Well Gulch Nature Trail, Lory State Park, CO yellow & orange
sanddune wallflower (Erysimum capitatum -- in July -- Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA yellow & orange
spreading wallflower (Erysimum repandum) -- in September -- Lincoln National Forest, NM yellow & orange
spreading wallflower (Erysimum repandum) -- in May -- Cathy Fromme Prairie, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO
spreading wallflower (Erysimum repandum) -- in May -- Cathy Fromme Prairie Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO yellow & orange
slimleaf plains mustard (Hesperidanthus linearifolia) -- in April -- River Road East, Big Bend National Park, Texas red and pink
dame's rocket (Hesperis matronalis) -- in June -- Wray, Yuma County, CO
field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre) -- in May -- Bellvue, Larimer County Foothills white & cream
field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre) -- in April -- Homestead Trail, South Mesa Trailhead, Boulder County, CO
field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre) -- in June -- Viewpoint Trail, Pineridge, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO
field pepperweed (Lepidium campestre) -- in July -- Shoshone National Forest, Fremont County, WY
lenspod whitetop (Lepidium chalepense) -- in May -- High Line Canal, Aurora, CO white and cream
whitetop (Lepidium draba) -- in May -- CSU Environmental Learning Center, Fort Collins, CO white and cream
whitetop (Lepidium draba) -- in April -- Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, Larimer County, CO
desert pepperweed (Lepidium fremontii) -- in March -- US 95 in southern Nevada white and cream
broadleaved pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) -- in June -- Saint Vrain State Park, CO white and cream
broadleaved pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) -- in August -- St. Vrain State Park, CO
mountain pepperweed (Lepidium montanum) -- in September -- Lincoln National Forest, NM white and cream
mountain pepperweed (Lepidium montanum) -- in April -- Route 54, near Carrizozo, southern New Mexico white and cream
mountain pepperweed (Lepidium montanum) -- in May -- Yampa Bench Road, Dinosaur National Monument, CO
mountain pepperweed (Lepidium montanum) -- in May -- Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, CO
clasping pepperweed (Lepidium perfoliatum) -- in May -- Prospect Ponds, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO yellow & orange
Virginia pepperweed (Lepidium virginicum) -- in April -- Horsetooth Mountain Open Space, Larimer County, CO white and cream
Virginia pepperweed (Lepidium virginicum) -- in June -- Viewpoint Trail, Pineridge, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO white and cream
watercress (Nasturtium officinale) -- in May -- Pineridge, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO white and cream
bicolor fanmustard (Nerisyrenia camporum) -- in April -- Big Bend National Park, Texas white & cream
bicolor fanmustard (Nerisyrenia camporum) -- in April -- Route 54, near Carrizozo, southern New Mexico white & cream
White Sands fanmustard (Nerisyrenia linearifolia) -- in September -- White Sands National Monument, NM white & cream
alpine pennycress (Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca) -- in April -- Well Gulch Nature Trail, Lory State Park, CO white & cream
alpine pennycress (Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca) -- in May -- Sand Creek National Landmark, WY white & cream
alpine pennycress (Noccaea fendleri) -- in July -- Rollins Pass Road, Gilpin County, CO white & cream
alpine pennycress (Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca) -- in July -- Old Fall River Road, RMNP
sharpleaf twinpod (Physaria acutifolia) -- in April -- Unaweep Canyon, Mesa County, CO yellow & orange
sharpleaf twinpod (Physaria acutifolia) -- in April -- Arches National Park, UT yellow & orange
alpine bladderpod (Physaria alpina) -- in June -- Beartooth Highway, Gallatin NF, southern Montana yellow & orange
Great Plains bladderpod (Physaria arenosa) -- in May -- Pawnee National Grassland, CO yellow & orange
Front Range twinpod (Physaria bellii) -- in May -- Pineridge Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO yellow & orange
Front Range twinpod (Physaria bellii) -- in April -- Coyote Ridge Natural Area, Fort Collins Natural Area
Front Range twinpod (Physaria bellii) -- in June -- Sand Creek, WY yellow & orange
stellate hairs on a leaf
Front Range twinpod (Physaria bellii) -- in April -- LaPorte, CO
Fendler's bladderpod (Physaria fendleri) -- in April -- Guadalupe Mountains National Park, TX yellow & orange
Fendler's bladderpod (Physaria fendleri) -- in May -- Picketwire Canyon, Comanche National Grassland, CO yellow & orange
Fendler's bladderpod (Physaria fendleri) -- in April -- Dripping Springs Natural Area, NM yellow & orange
spreading bladderpod (Physaria gracilis) -- in April -- Alabaster Caverns State Park, nothern Oklahoma yellow & orange
foothill bladderpod (Physaria ludoviciana) -- in June -- Soapstone Prairie Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO yellow & orange
foothill bladerpod (Physaria ludoviciana) -- in May -- Pawnee Buttes, Pawnee National Grassland, CO yellow & orange
mountain bladderpod (Physaria montana) -- in April -- Lory State Park, CO yellow & orange
mountain bladderpod (Physaria montana) -- in April -- Kimmons Trail, Lory State Park, CO LSP-KI yellow & orange
stellate leaf hairs
mountain bladderpod (Physaria montana) -- in April -- Kimmons Trail, Lory State Park, CO
mountain bladderpod (Physaria montana) -- in May -- Mesa Trail, South Mesa Trailhead, Boulder County, CO yellow & orange
Newberry's twinpod (Physaria newberryi) -- in April -- Cibola National Forest near Corona, southern New Mexico yellow & orange
roundleaf bladderpod (Physaria ovalifolia ssp. ovalifolia) -- in April -- Comanche National Grassland, CO yellow & orange
rose bladderpod (Physaria purpurea) -- in March -- Salt River Canyon, Tonto National Forest, AZ white & cream
rose bladderpod (Physaria purpurea) -- in April -- Dripping Springs Natural Area, NM white & cream
roundtip twinpod (Physaria vitulifera) -- in March -- South Valley Park, Jefferson County Open Space, CO yellow & orange
roundtip twinpod (Physaria vitulifera) -- in March -- Eldorado Canyon State Park, CO
bog yellowcress (Rorippa palustris) -- in July -- Lumpy Ridge Trail, RMNP, Larimer County, CO
wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) -- in May -- North Shields Ponds, Fort Collins Natural Area yellow & orange
Jim Hill mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) -- in May -- Timber Trail, Lory State Park, CO yellow & orange
Jim Hill mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) -- in May -- Prospect Ponds, Fort Collins Natural Area, CO
Jim Hill mustard (Sisymbrium altissimum) -- in May -- Mesa Trail, South Mesa Trailhead, Boulder County, CO
London rocket (Sisymbrium irio) -- in April -- Villanueva State Park, NM yellow & orange
flaxleaf plainsmustard (Sisymbrium linifolium) -- Dinosaur National Monument, CO yellow & orange
small tumbleweed mustard (Sisymbrium loeselii) -- in June -- Cherokee Park State Wildlife Area, CO yellow & orange
American false candytuft (Smelowskia americana) -- in July -- Old Fall River Road, Rocky Mountain NP, CO white & cream
prince's plume (Stanleya pinnata) -- in June -- Coyote Ridge Natural Area, Fort Collins, CO yellow & orange
green princesplume (Stanleya viridiflora) -- in July -- Modoc National Forest, CA
longbeak streptanthella (Streptanthella longirostris) -- in May -- Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, CO yellow & orange
Arizona jewelflower (Streptanthus arizonicus) -- in March -- Salt River Canyon, Tonto National Forest, AZ white & cream
heartleaf twistflower (Streptanthus cordatus var. cordatus) -- in June -- Steens Mountain Wilderness Area, OR green & brown
African mustard (Strigosella africana) -- in May -- Yampa Bench Road, Dinosaur National Monument, CO red & pink
field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense)-- in June -- Eagle's Nest Open Space, Larimer County, CO white & cream
field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) -- in May -- CSU Environmental Learning Center, Fort Collins, CO
field pennycress (Thlaspi arvense) -- in May -- Mesa Trail, South Mesa Trailhead, Boulder County, CO
tower rockcress (Turritis glabra) -- in June -- Well Gulch Nature Trail, Lory State Park, CO white & cream