Common names of flowers
If you click on 'acacia,' for example, you'll see pictures of acacias.
A acacia (blackbrush, catclaw, viscid), agave (Texas false), agave (Queen Victoria), agoseris (annual, false, orange, pale),
agrimony, alder (thinleaf), alfalfa, algerita, alumroot (bracted, common, dwarf), alyssum (hoary),
alyssum (small-flowered), amaranth (redroot), American searocket, anemone (candle, cut-leaved, desert, meadow, narcissus, wood),
anemone (rue), angelica (Brewer's, giant, Gray's, sharptooth), antelope bitterbrush, apple (paradise), apricot,
arnica (broadleaf, Chamisso, foothills, hairy, heartleaf, smallhead, twin), arnica (Parry's), arrowhead (arumleaf), ash (fragrant, green, singleleaf), asparagus (garden),
aspen (quaking), aster (alpine leafybract, Fendler's, New England, northern bog, Parry's, smooth blue, smooth white, western, western meadow, western mountain, white heath,
white panicle, white prairie), aster (Brewer's), aster (Engelmann's), Aunt Lucy, avens (alpine), avens (bur, yellow, purple),
avens (Hooker's mountain), azalea (western) [68]
agrimony, alder (thinleaf), alfalfa, algerita, alumroot (bracted, common, dwarf), alyssum (hoary),
alyssum (small-flowered), amaranth (redroot), American searocket, anemone (candle, cut-leaved, desert, meadow, narcissus, wood),
anemone (rue), angelica (Brewer's, giant, Gray's, sharptooth), antelope bitterbrush, apple (paradise), apricot,
arnica (broadleaf, Chamisso, foothills, hairy, heartleaf, smallhead, twin), arnica (Parry's), arrowhead (arumleaf), ash (fragrant, green, singleleaf), asparagus (garden),
aspen (quaking), aster (alpine leafybract, Fendler's, New England, northern bog, Parry's, smooth blue, smooth white, western, western meadow, western mountain, white heath,
white panicle, white prairie), aster (Brewer's), aster (Engelmann's), Aunt Lucy, avens (alpine), avens (bur, yellow, purple),
avens (Hooker's mountain), azalea (western) [68]
B baby blue eyes, babyslippers, bahia (oppositeleaf). bahia (bluntscale, hairyseed), bahia (ragleaf),
balsamroot (arrowleaf), baneberry (red, white), barberry (Fremont's), barley (foxtail), basindaisy, bastardsage,
beardtongue (Alberta, Big Bend, Front Range, Hall's, Heller's, larchleaf, low, Lyall's, Parry's, pincushion, Plumas County, sagebrush, shortstem, timberline, upland,
upland blue), beargrass, bedstraw (fragrant, northern, shrubby), beebalm (pony), beeblossom (Colorado, scarlet), beehive (Chihuahuan),
beeplant (Rocky Mountain), beggarticks (bigelow's, hairy), beggartick (devil's, nodding), begonia (wild). bellflower (clustered, rampion),
bellwort (large-flowered, sessileleaf), bergamot (wild), bilberry (dwarf), bindweed (field), birch (water), bird-of-paradise shrub, biscuitroot (fernleaf, Gray's),
bistort (alpine, American), bitterbrush (antelope), bittercress (Brewer's, heartleaf), bitterroot (pygmy), blackberry (California, Himalayan, sawtooth),
blackbrush, black-eyed Susan, blackfoot (plains), bladder senna, bladderpod (alpine, Fendler's, foothill, mountain, rose, roundleaf, spreading),
bladderpod bush, bladderwort, blanketflower (onion, red dome),
blazingstar (Adonis, bractless, grassland, smoothstem, tenpetal, whitebract, whitestem, wingseed), blazing star (dotted), bleeding heart (Pacific), blue dicks,
bluebells (alpine chiming, green, oblongleaf, prairie, Rocky Mountain, shortstyle, snowy, tall), blueblossom, bluebonnet (Big Bend), bluebuttons, blue-eyed Mary,
blueflag (harlequin), bluegrass (wood), bluestar (tubular), bluestem (big), bluet (small), bluets,
bog orchid (shortflowered, white), boneset (false), bonnets (granny's), bottle washer,
bouncingbet, boxelder, brickellbush (California, Chihuahuan, stinking), brittlebush (Acton's, sticky), brittlebush (button), brome (Japanese), brome (smooth),
broomrape (clustered, desert, oneflowered), buckbrush (Fendler's), buckeye (red), buckthorn (common),
buckwheat (Abert's, alpine golden, Blue Mountain, cushion, Douglas', eastern Mojave, Hooker's, Inyo, Ivy League, James', naked, pretty, roundleaf, shortstem,
spearleaf, spreading, sulphur-flower, tall, winged), buffaloberry (silver), buffalograss, bugle (common), bugleweed (rough), bulrush (hardstem, softstem),
bulrush (cloaked), bunchberry, bunny-in-the-grass, burdock, burningbush, burrobrush, butter-and-eggs, buttercup (tadpole),
buttercup (aquatic, creeping, cursed, elliptical, graceful, heartleaf, hispid, littleleaf, Macoun's, marsh, plantainleaf, sagebrush, snow, tall),
butterflybush (wooly), butterweed [174]
balsamroot (arrowleaf), baneberry (red, white), barberry (Fremont's), barley (foxtail), basindaisy, bastardsage,
beardtongue (Alberta, Big Bend, Front Range, Hall's, Heller's, larchleaf, low, Lyall's, Parry's, pincushion, Plumas County, sagebrush, shortstem, timberline, upland,
upland blue), beargrass, bedstraw (fragrant, northern, shrubby), beebalm (pony), beeblossom (Colorado, scarlet), beehive (Chihuahuan),
beeplant (Rocky Mountain), beggarticks (bigelow's, hairy), beggartick (devil's, nodding), begonia (wild). bellflower (clustered, rampion),
bellwort (large-flowered, sessileleaf), bergamot (wild), bilberry (dwarf), bindweed (field), birch (water), bird-of-paradise shrub, biscuitroot (fernleaf, Gray's),
bistort (alpine, American), bitterbrush (antelope), bittercress (Brewer's, heartleaf), bitterroot (pygmy), blackberry (California, Himalayan, sawtooth),
blackbrush, black-eyed Susan, blackfoot (plains), bladder senna, bladderpod (alpine, Fendler's, foothill, mountain, rose, roundleaf, spreading),
bladderpod bush, bladderwort, blanketflower (onion, red dome),
blazingstar (Adonis, bractless, grassland, smoothstem, tenpetal, whitebract, whitestem, wingseed), blazing star (dotted), bleeding heart (Pacific), blue dicks,
bluebells (alpine chiming, green, oblongleaf, prairie, Rocky Mountain, shortstyle, snowy, tall), blueblossom, bluebonnet (Big Bend), bluebuttons, blue-eyed Mary,
blueflag (harlequin), bluegrass (wood), bluestar (tubular), bluestem (big), bluet (small), bluets,
bog orchid (shortflowered, white), boneset (false), bonnets (granny's), bottle washer,
bouncingbet, boxelder, brickellbush (California, Chihuahuan, stinking), brittlebush (Acton's, sticky), brittlebush (button), brome (Japanese), brome (smooth),
broomrape (clustered, desert, oneflowered), buckbrush (Fendler's), buckeye (red), buckthorn (common),
buckwheat (Abert's, alpine golden, Blue Mountain, cushion, Douglas', eastern Mojave, Hooker's, Inyo, Ivy League, James', naked, pretty, roundleaf, shortstem,
spearleaf, spreading, sulphur-flower, tall, winged), buffaloberry (silver), buffalograss, bugle (common), bugleweed (rough), bulrush (hardstem, softstem),
bulrush (cloaked), bunchberry, bunny-in-the-grass, burdock, burningbush, burrobrush, butter-and-eggs, buttercup (tadpole),
buttercup (aquatic, creeping, cursed, elliptical, graceful, heartleaf, hispid, littleleaf, Macoun's, marsh, plantainleaf, sagebrush, snow, tall),
butterflybush (wooly), butterweed [174]
C cactus (apple, beavertail prickly pear, Big Bend prickly pear, Big Bend purplish prickly pear, bigroot prickly pear, blind prickly pear, buckhorn cholla,
plains pricklypear, spiny-fruited prickly pear, sweet prickly pear), cactus (Wright's fishhook), cactus (cottontop)
cactus (Correll's hedgehog, Englemann's hedgehog, nylon hedgehog, Mojave kingcup, rusty hedgehog, spiny hedgehog, strawberry, Texas claret-cup),
cactus (California barrel, fishhook barrel, glaucous barrel, Mexican lime), cactus (Hester's pincushion, nipple),
cactus (saguaro), cactus (organ pipe), cactus (Graham's nipple, little nipple), cactus (mountain ball), cactus (walkingstick, whipple),
caltrop (hairy) camas (small), camas (elegant death), camas (meadow death), campion (bladder, Drummond's, Menzies', moss, simple, white),
candelabra (fairy), candytuft (American false), caraway, carpetweed (green), carrionflower (Blue Ridge), catalpa (northern),
catchfly (Balkan, Palmer's, sleepy), caterpillars, catnip, cat's-eye (mountain), cattail (broadleaf, narrow-leaved cattail), ceanothus (snowbrush),
century plant (Havard's), chamomile (wild), cheatgrass, checker-bloom (Rocky Mountain). checkermallow (white), cheeseweed,
cherry (European bird, Nanking, pin, sand), chestnut (horse), chickenthief,
chickweed (Bering, field, mouse-ear), chickweed (common, star), chicory, chicory (desert),
chiming bells (tall), Chinese lantern, chives (wild), chokecherry, cholla (jumping, tree, Wiggins'), cholla (Big Bend devil, Christmas), cholla organillo,
Christmas tree (desert), cicely (mountain sweet), cinquefoil (beautiful, blueleaf, branched, Colorado, dwarf, elegant, Klamath,
Norwegian, Pennsylvania, Rocky Mountain, slender, silverweed, sticky, sulphur, varileaf, wooly), cinquefoil (bigflower, sticky), cinquefoil (shrubby),
clammyweed (Mexican, redwhisker), clarkia (diamond). clematis (blue), cliffrose (Stansbury),
clover (alpine, alsike, dwarf, longstalk, mountain carpet, Parry's, red), clover (bearded prairie, black prairie, hairy prairie, purple prairie, white prairie, Wright's prairie),
clover (Parry's false prairie), clover (yellow sweet, white sweet), clubmoss (fan), cocklebur (common), collegeflower,
collomia (large-flowered, staining), columbine (Colorado, Laramie, Rocky Mountain blue, western, western red, yellow), coneflower (prairie), coneflower (cutleaf),
coneflower (montane, western), coraldrops (White River), coralroot (hooded, spotted, spring, yellow),
cordgrass (prairie), cornflag (African), cornflower (garden), corydalis (Sierra),
coreopsis (plains), cosmos (southwestern), cotoneaster (shiny), cottongrass (slender), cottonwood (lanceleaf, narrowleaf), cowbane (Fendler's),
cranberrybush (American), creosote bush, crinklemat (matted), croton (grassland), crowfoot (water),
crownbeard (golden), crowpoison, cryptantha (pointed, small, thicksepal, wingnut), cryptantha (calcareous, canyon, James', roughseed, roundspike, tawny, yellow),
cucumber (wild), cudweed (western marsh), cudweed (pseudognaphlium), currant (golden, prickly, squaw, sticky, Wolf's) [188]
plains pricklypear, spiny-fruited prickly pear, sweet prickly pear), cactus (Wright's fishhook), cactus (cottontop)
cactus (Correll's hedgehog, Englemann's hedgehog, nylon hedgehog, Mojave kingcup, rusty hedgehog, spiny hedgehog, strawberry, Texas claret-cup),
cactus (California barrel, fishhook barrel, glaucous barrel, Mexican lime), cactus (Hester's pincushion, nipple),
cactus (saguaro), cactus (organ pipe), cactus (Graham's nipple, little nipple), cactus (mountain ball), cactus (walkingstick, whipple),
caltrop (hairy) camas (small), camas (elegant death), camas (meadow death), campion (bladder, Drummond's, Menzies', moss, simple, white),
candelabra (fairy), candytuft (American false), caraway, carpetweed (green), carrionflower (Blue Ridge), catalpa (northern),
catchfly (Balkan, Palmer's, sleepy), caterpillars, catnip, cat's-eye (mountain), cattail (broadleaf, narrow-leaved cattail), ceanothus (snowbrush),
century plant (Havard's), chamomile (wild), cheatgrass, checker-bloom (Rocky Mountain). checkermallow (white), cheeseweed,
cherry (European bird, Nanking, pin, sand), chestnut (horse), chickenthief,
chickweed (Bering, field, mouse-ear), chickweed (common, star), chicory, chicory (desert),
chiming bells (tall), Chinese lantern, chives (wild), chokecherry, cholla (jumping, tree, Wiggins'), cholla (Big Bend devil, Christmas), cholla organillo,
Christmas tree (desert), cicely (mountain sweet), cinquefoil (beautiful, blueleaf, branched, Colorado, dwarf, elegant, Klamath,
Norwegian, Pennsylvania, Rocky Mountain, slender, silverweed, sticky, sulphur, varileaf, wooly), cinquefoil (bigflower, sticky), cinquefoil (shrubby),
clammyweed (Mexican, redwhisker), clarkia (diamond). clematis (blue), cliffrose (Stansbury),
clover (alpine, alsike, dwarf, longstalk, mountain carpet, Parry's, red), clover (bearded prairie, black prairie, hairy prairie, purple prairie, white prairie, Wright's prairie),
clover (Parry's false prairie), clover (yellow sweet, white sweet), clubmoss (fan), cocklebur (common), collegeflower,
collomia (large-flowered, staining), columbine (Colorado, Laramie, Rocky Mountain blue, western, western red, yellow), coneflower (prairie), coneflower (cutleaf),
coneflower (montane, western), coraldrops (White River), coralroot (hooded, spotted, spring, yellow),
cordgrass (prairie), cornflag (African), cornflower (garden), corydalis (Sierra),
coreopsis (plains), cosmos (southwestern), cotoneaster (shiny), cottongrass (slender), cottonwood (lanceleaf, narrowleaf), cowbane (Fendler's),
cranberrybush (American), creosote bush, crinklemat (matted), croton (grassland), crowfoot (water),
crownbeard (golden), crowpoison, cryptantha (pointed, small, thicksepal, wingnut), cryptantha (calcareous, canyon, James', roughseed, roundspike, tawny, yellow),
cucumber (wild), cudweed (western marsh), cudweed (pseudognaphlium), currant (golden, prickly, squaw, sticky, Wolf's) [188]
D daffodil, daisy (whiteray least), daisy (cutleaf, glacial, rockslide, Rocky Mountain alpine, running, sprawling), daisy (Easter, hoary Townsend, stemless Townsend), daisy (oxeye),
daisy (Arizona four-nerve, caespitose four-nerve, Ives' fournerved, stemless four-nerve, stemmy four-nerve, Torrey's four-nerve), dame's rocket,
dandelion (common, horned), dandelion (wavyleaf), darning needles, deadnettle (henbit, purple), desert fivespot, desert lavender,
desert sunflower (hairy), desert trumpet, desertbells, desertdandelion (Fendler's, smooth, Torrey's), desertholly,
desertstar (daisy, Mojave), dock (canaigre, curly, denseflowered, western, willow),
dogbane (spreading), dogweed (prickly-leaf), dogwood (flowering), dogwood (red-osier), doublet, downingia (Bacigalupi's),
draba (Carolina, cushion, golden, pretty, showy, snowbed, woodland), duckweed, dustymaiden (Douglas') [57]
daisy (Arizona four-nerve, caespitose four-nerve, Ives' fournerved, stemless four-nerve, stemmy four-nerve, Torrey's four-nerve), dame's rocket,
dandelion (common, horned), dandelion (wavyleaf), darning needles, deadnettle (henbit, purple), desert fivespot, desert lavender,
desert sunflower (hairy), desert trumpet, desertbells, desertdandelion (Fendler's, smooth, Torrey's), desertholly,
desertstar (daisy, Mojave), dock (canaigre, curly, denseflowered, western, willow),
dogbane (spreading), dogweed (prickly-leaf), dogwood (flowering), dogwood (red-osier), doublet, downingia (Bacigalupi's),
draba (Carolina, cushion, golden, pretty, showy, snowbed, woodland), duckweed, dustymaiden (Douglas') [57]
E earthsmoke, easterbonnet (white), echinacea (blacksamson), Edwards Nicollet, elderberry (black, common, red), elephanthead,
elm (American, Siberian), evening primrose (birdcage, common, cutleaf, cut-leaved, desert, Howard's, pale, prairie, short-fruit, stemless, tufted, western),
evening primrose (tansyleaf), eyelashweed (rough) [23]
elm (American, Siberian), evening primrose (birdcage, common, cutleaf, cut-leaved, desert, Howard's, pale, prairie, short-fruit, stemless, tufted, western),
evening primrose (tansyleaf), eyelashweed (rough) [23]
F fagonbush (California), fairy duster, fairy slipper, fairybells (roughfruit), fanmustard (bicolor, White Sands), featherplume,
fendlerbush (cliff), fern (Fendler's false cloak), fern (male), fern (slender lip),
fernbush, fescue (Idaho), feverfew, fiddleleaf (Havard's, matted), fiddleneck (bristly, common, Menzies'), fig (sea),
figwort (California), fir (Douglas), fir (subalpine), firecracker flower, fireweed, five eyes (hairy, Trans-Pecos). fivespot (desert), flatsedge (Great Plains),
flax (littlepod false), flax (Berlandier's yellow, blue, plains, stiffstem, wild blue), fleabane (aspen, beautiful, blackhead, Coulter's, cutleaf, early blue top,
Eaton's, Engelmann's, featherleaf, hoary, Navajo, needleleaf, plains, prairie, royal, shaggy, sprucefir, streamside, tall, threenerve, trailing, tuftted, western daisy),
fleabane (rayless shaggy), flower-of-an-hour, foamflower (heartleaf, oneleaf), fogfruit (wedgeleaf), forget-me-not (arctic alpine),
forget-me-not (Asian, field, true), forsythia, four o'clock (Colorado, hairy, hairy-tuft, heartleaf, narrow-leaf, smooth spreading, white), four o'clock (trailing),
foxtail (Carolina, meadow, short-awn), frasera (tufted), fringecup, fringetree (white), fumewort (Brandegee's) [84]
fendlerbush (cliff), fern (Fendler's false cloak), fern (male), fern (slender lip),
fernbush, fescue (Idaho), feverfew, fiddleleaf (Havard's, matted), fiddleneck (bristly, common, Menzies'), fig (sea),
figwort (California), fir (Douglas), fir (subalpine), firecracker flower, fireweed, five eyes (hairy, Trans-Pecos). fivespot (desert), flatsedge (Great Plains),
flax (littlepod false), flax (Berlandier's yellow, blue, plains, stiffstem, wild blue), fleabane (aspen, beautiful, blackhead, Coulter's, cutleaf, early blue top,
Eaton's, Engelmann's, featherleaf, hoary, Navajo, needleleaf, plains, prairie, royal, shaggy, sprucefir, streamside, tall, threenerve, trailing, tuftted, western daisy),
fleabane (rayless shaggy), flower-of-an-hour, foamflower (heartleaf, oneleaf), fogfruit (wedgeleaf), forget-me-not (arctic alpine),
forget-me-not (Asian, field, true), forsythia, four o'clock (Colorado, hairy, hairy-tuft, heartleaf, narrow-leaf, smooth spreading, white), four o'clock (trailing),
foxtail (Carolina, meadow, short-awn), frasera (tufted), fringecup, fringetree (white), fumewort (Brandegee's) [84]
G gallant soldier, gentian (arctic, moss, Parry's, pleated), gentian (fringed, Rocky Mountain fringed), gentian (green),
gentian (autumn dwarf), gentian (star), gentian (showy prairie), gentian (lapland),
geranium (pineywoods, Richardson's, sticky purple, wild, white), germander (western), ghost flower,
gilia (broad-flowered, lesser yellowthroat, rock, rosy, Stewart's), gilia (scarlet),
gilia (marked), gilia (sticky), globeflower (American), globemallow (caliche, copper, desert, Emory's, gooseberryleaf, gray, Munro's, narrowleaf, scaly, small-leaf, spear),
gold buttons, goldenaster (alpine false, hairy false, rockyscree false, stiffleaf false),
goldenbanner (spreadfruit), goldenbush (narrowleaf), goldeneye (longleaf false, showy),
goldenrod (baby, giant, Missouri, Mt. Albert, Rocky Mountain, showy, stiff, three-nerve, velvety, Wright's), goldenweed (curlyhead),
goldenweed (pygmy), goldenweed (spiny), goldenweed (thrift mock), golden banner (spreadfruit), golden smoke, goldfields (needle),
goldstar (common). gooseberry (gummy, mountain, Sierra, trumpet, whitestem), goosefoot (Fremont's, mapleleaf), goosefoot (leafy),
gourd (Missouri), grama (blue, sideoats), grape (wild), grass (needle and thread), grass (tapered rosette), grass (pale blue-eyed, strict blue-eyed),
grass (Indian), grass-of-Parnassus (Alaska, fringed, Kotzebue's), grasswidow (Douglas'), greeneyes (lyreleaf),
greenthread (Hopi tea), greenthread (stiff), groundcherry (clammy, ivyleaf, longleaf, prairie, Virginia), ground-plum,
groundsel (cutleaf), groundsel (falsegold, hoary, lobeleaf, New Mexico, prairie, splitleaf, wooly), groundsmoke (pinyon, spreading),
gumweed (curlycup, rough, subalpine) [108]
gentian (autumn dwarf), gentian (star), gentian (showy prairie), gentian (lapland),
geranium (pineywoods, Richardson's, sticky purple, wild, white), germander (western), ghost flower,
gilia (broad-flowered, lesser yellowthroat, rock, rosy, Stewart's), gilia (scarlet),
gilia (marked), gilia (sticky), globeflower (American), globemallow (caliche, copper, desert, Emory's, gooseberryleaf, gray, Munro's, narrowleaf, scaly, small-leaf, spear),
gold buttons, goldenaster (alpine false, hairy false, rockyscree false, stiffleaf false),
goldenbanner (spreadfruit), goldenbush (narrowleaf), goldeneye (longleaf false, showy),
goldenrod (baby, giant, Missouri, Mt. Albert, Rocky Mountain, showy, stiff, three-nerve, velvety, Wright's), goldenweed (curlyhead),
goldenweed (pygmy), goldenweed (spiny), goldenweed (thrift mock), golden banner (spreadfruit), golden smoke, goldfields (needle),
goldstar (common). gooseberry (gummy, mountain, Sierra, trumpet, whitestem), goosefoot (Fremont's, mapleleaf), goosefoot (leafy),
gourd (Missouri), grama (blue, sideoats), grape (wild), grass (needle and thread), grass (tapered rosette), grass (pale blue-eyed, strict blue-eyed),
grass (Indian), grass-of-Parnassus (Alaska, fringed, Kotzebue's), grasswidow (Douglas'), greeneyes (lyreleaf),
greenthread (Hopi tea), greenthread (stiff), groundcherry (clammy, ivyleaf, longleaf, prairie, Virginia), ground-plum,
groundsel (cutleaf), groundsel (falsegold, hoary, lobeleaf, New Mexico, prairie, splitleaf, wooly), groundsmoke (pinyon, spreading),
gumweed (curlycup, rough, subalpine) [108]
H hackberry (netleaf), harebell (alpine, California, common, Parry's), hare's-ear, hawksbeard (largeflower, tapertip), hawkweed (orange, white, wooly, yellow),
hawthorn (black, fleshy, river), hazelnut (beaked), heath (rose), heather (Brewer's mountain, pink mountain), hedgehog (small-flowered), hedgenettle (scarlet),
helianthella (fivenerve, oneflower), heliotrope (leafy, salt), heliotrope (cleftleaf wild), hellebore (California false),
helleborine (giant), hemlock (poison), hemlock (water), hemlock (western water),
hemlockparsley, hemp (Indian), hen-and-chickens, henbane, hogweed (little), holdback (James'), hollygrape, hollyhock (wild),
homalothecium (pinnate), honeysuckle (bush, Morrow's, orange, Tatarian, Utah, western white), hop (common), hopsage (spiny), hoptree (common),
horehound, horehound (American water), horkelia (pinewoods), hornhead, horsenettle (Carolina), horsetail, horseweed, houndstongue,
humming-bird bush, hyacinth (starch grape), hymenopappus (chalk hill, fineleaf), hyssop (nettleleaf giant) [61]
hawthorn (black, fleshy, river), hazelnut (beaked), heath (rose), heather (Brewer's mountain, pink mountain), hedgehog (small-flowered), hedgenettle (scarlet),
helianthella (fivenerve, oneflower), heliotrope (leafy, salt), heliotrope (cleftleaf wild), hellebore (California false),
helleborine (giant), hemlock (poison), hemlock (water), hemlock (western water),
hemlockparsley, hemp (Indian), hen-and-chickens, henbane, hogweed (little), holdback (James'), hollygrape, hollyhock (wild),
homalothecium (pinnate), honeysuckle (bush, Morrow's, orange, Tatarian, Utah, western white), hop (common), hopsage (spiny), hoptree (common),
horehound, horehound (American water), horkelia (pinewoods), hornhead, horsenettle (Carolina), horsetail, horseweed, houndstongue,
humming-bird bush, hyacinth (starch grape), hymenopappus (chalk hill, fineleaf), hyssop (nettleleaf giant) [61]
I Indian blanket, Indianwheat (desert), indigobush (false), iodinebush, ipomopsis (ballhead, dwarf, flaxflowered, Hoosier Pass, iron, spiked),
iris (dwarf crested, paleyellow, Rocky Mountain), ivesia (Gordon's) [14]
iris (dwarf crested, paleyellow, Rocky Mountain), ivesia (Gordon's) [14]
J Jack-in-the-pulpit, Jacob's ladder (towering), Jersey tea, jewelflower (Arizona), juniper (alligator, common, Rocky Mountain, Utah), [8]
K king's crown, kinnikinnik, kittentails (alpine, Wyoming), knapweed (diffuse, spotted), knapweed (Russian), knotweed (Douglas', prostrate),
knotweed (curlytop) [10]
knotweed (curlytop) [10]
L lady's slipper (clustered, mountain, yellow), lady's tresses (hooded, Ute), lagophylla (branched), lambsquarters,
langloisia (Great Basin), larkspur (alpine, Carolina, desert, Geyer's, little, Nuttall's, Organ Mountain, Rocky Mountain, Sierra, subalpine),
laurel (alpine, sheep), leastdaisy (whiteray), leatherstem, lechuguilla, lemonscent,
lettuce (biannual, blue, Canadian, prickly), lettuce (miner's), lettuce (mountain), lichen (gold cobblestone), lichen (polysporina), lichen (witch's hair),
lichen (sagebrush goldspeck), lichen (cup, pebbled pixie-cup), lichen (Saturn skin), lichen (cinder), lichen (perplexed beard),
lichen (tumbleweed, Colorado rock-shield, Cumberland xanthoparmelia),
lichen (pin-chushion sunburst), lichen (rosette), lichen (witch's hair), lichen (felt), licorice (wild), lichen (rim, Garovagl's rim),
lichen (golden rimmed naval), lichen (stipitate lichinella), lichen (felt), lichen (desert firedot), lichen (frilly drawers), lichen (elegant sunburst),
lichen (frosted rock tripe), lichen (American stippleback), licorice (wild), licorice-root (fernleaf, Gray's, Porter's), lignum-vitae (Texas),
ligusticum (slender), lilac (common), lily (yellow cobra), lily (alp), lily (celetial), lily (California corn, cornhusk), lily (desert),
lily (fawn, yelllow avalanche, yellow trout), lily (Bruneau mariposa, mariposa, sego, Sierra mariposa, winding mariposa), lily (alpine, leopard, Washington, wood),
linanthus (Nuttall's), loco (Thompson's), locoweed (Colorado, hybrid, nodding, showy, white), locoweed (wooly), locust (black), locust (honey), London rocket,
lousewort (Canadian, coiled, giant, marsh, meadow, Parry's, Payson's, sickletop, sudetic), lupine (bluntlobe, Brewer's, broadleaf, Coulter's, Donner Lake, hairy bigleaf, jawleaf,
narrow-flower, Pacific, rusty, saffron-flowered, sand, sickleleaf, silvery, spurred, tailcup, valley, velvet) [118]
langloisia (Great Basin), larkspur (alpine, Carolina, desert, Geyer's, little, Nuttall's, Organ Mountain, Rocky Mountain, Sierra, subalpine),
laurel (alpine, sheep), leastdaisy (whiteray), leatherstem, lechuguilla, lemonscent,
lettuce (biannual, blue, Canadian, prickly), lettuce (miner's), lettuce (mountain), lichen (gold cobblestone), lichen (polysporina), lichen (witch's hair),
lichen (sagebrush goldspeck), lichen (cup, pebbled pixie-cup), lichen (Saturn skin), lichen (cinder), lichen (perplexed beard),
lichen (tumbleweed, Colorado rock-shield, Cumberland xanthoparmelia),
lichen (pin-chushion sunburst), lichen (rosette), lichen (witch's hair), lichen (felt), licorice (wild), lichen (rim, Garovagl's rim),
lichen (golden rimmed naval), lichen (stipitate lichinella), lichen (felt), lichen (desert firedot), lichen (frilly drawers), lichen (elegant sunburst),
lichen (frosted rock tripe), lichen (American stippleback), licorice (wild), licorice-root (fernleaf, Gray's, Porter's), lignum-vitae (Texas),
ligusticum (slender), lilac (common), lily (yellow cobra), lily (alp), lily (celetial), lily (California corn, cornhusk), lily (desert),
lily (fawn, yelllow avalanche, yellow trout), lily (Bruneau mariposa, mariposa, sego, Sierra mariposa, winding mariposa), lily (alpine, leopard, Washington, wood),
linanthus (Nuttall's), loco (Thompson's), locoweed (Colorado, hybrid, nodding, showy, white), locoweed (wooly), locust (black), locust (honey), London rocket,
lousewort (Canadian, coiled, giant, marsh, meadow, Parry's, Payson's, sickletop, sudetic), lupine (bluntlobe, Brewer's, broadleaf, Coulter's, Donner Lake, hairy bigleaf, jawleaf,
narrow-flower, Pacific, rusty, saffron-flowered, sand, sickleleaf, silvery, spurred, tailcup, valley, velvet) [118]
M madder (field), madrone (Texas), madwort (desert, pale), madwort, mahogany (mountain), mallow (copper),
mallow (meadow checker, Oregon checker, white checker). mallow (yellow Indian), mallow (viscid), mallow (Chisos mountain false Indian), manroot (coastal),
maple (Rocky Mountain, silver), marbleseed (western), marigold (fetid), marigold (marsh), marigold (desert),
mariola, matrimony vine, mayapple, meadowrue (Fendler's, few-flowered, purple, western),
meadowsweet (rose), medic (black), menodora (spiny), menziesia (rusty), microseris (nodding), mignonette (yellow),
milkvetch (alpine, ashen, balloonpod, chickpea, Canadian, Drummond's, Eastwood's, field, flexile, Fort Wingate, freckled, groundplum, halfmoon, Indian, Laxmann's, long-pod,
looseflower, lotus, Missouri, narrowleaf, Nuttall's, Parry's, plains, Preuss', Pursh's, rare loco, rimrock, Short's, silky, slender, three-finger, timber, tufted, two-grooved, yellow)
milkweed (dwarf, Engelmann's, green comet, horsetail, lesser rushy, narrow-leaved, plains, Rocky Mountain, showy, slimleaf, spider, swamp),
milkwort (white), mimosa (fragrant), miner's candle, miner's lettuce,
miner's lettuce (water), mint (coyote), mint (wild), mint (frosted), mistletoe (desert), miterwort (smallflower, twoleaf), miterwort (fivestamen),
monardella (mountain), monkeyflower (Bigelow's, Cusick's, foul odor, Jepson's, Lewis's, manyflowered, primrose, roundleaf, scarlet, Tiling's, yellow), monkshood,
mormon tea, morning glory (bush, tall), morning glory (shaggy dwarf), morning glory (western), moss (poodle, yellow yarn), moss (philonotis),
moss (bracchythecium, waterside feather, velvet feather), moss (pinnate homalothecium), moss (bryum, silvergreen bryum), moss (pohlia),
moss (tufted thread, tall clustered bryum), moss (fragile fork), moss (fringed candle snuffer, common candle snuffier), moss (fabronia, silver hair),
moss (coscinodon, sieve-tooth), moss (toothless grimmia, grimmia dry rock, pulvinate dry rock), moss (common beard, streamside schistidium),
moss (ciliate hedwigia), moss (cyprus-leaved plait), moss (white-tipped bristle, smooth bristle, pale bristle), moss (star),
moss (Arizona calcareous), moss (juniper polytrichum, polytrichum), moss (ovate pterygonerum, sessile pterygoneurum),
moss (tortula, wall-screw), moss (condensed weissia), motherwort, mouse-ear (common), mousetail (clubmoss),
mountain pride, muhly (marsh), mule-ears (badlands), mule-ears (mountain), mullein (great, moth),
muskflower, mustard (blue), mustard (garlic), mustard (flaxleaf plains, Jim Hill, small tumbleweed), mustard (hare's-ear).
mustard (mountain tansy, western tansy), mustard (slimleaf plains), mullein (great) [180]
mallow (meadow checker, Oregon checker, white checker). mallow (yellow Indian), mallow (viscid), mallow (Chisos mountain false Indian), manroot (coastal),
maple (Rocky Mountain, silver), marbleseed (western), marigold (fetid), marigold (marsh), marigold (desert),
mariola, matrimony vine, mayapple, meadowrue (Fendler's, few-flowered, purple, western),
meadowsweet (rose), medic (black), menodora (spiny), menziesia (rusty), microseris (nodding), mignonette (yellow),
milkvetch (alpine, ashen, balloonpod, chickpea, Canadian, Drummond's, Eastwood's, field, flexile, Fort Wingate, freckled, groundplum, halfmoon, Indian, Laxmann's, long-pod,
looseflower, lotus, Missouri, narrowleaf, Nuttall's, Parry's, plains, Preuss', Pursh's, rare loco, rimrock, Short's, silky, slender, three-finger, timber, tufted, two-grooved, yellow)
milkweed (dwarf, Engelmann's, green comet, horsetail, lesser rushy, narrow-leaved, plains, Rocky Mountain, showy, slimleaf, spider, swamp),
milkwort (white), mimosa (fragrant), miner's candle, miner's lettuce,
miner's lettuce (water), mint (coyote), mint (wild), mint (frosted), mistletoe (desert), miterwort (smallflower, twoleaf), miterwort (fivestamen),
monardella (mountain), monkeyflower (Bigelow's, Cusick's, foul odor, Jepson's, Lewis's, manyflowered, primrose, roundleaf, scarlet, Tiling's, yellow), monkshood,
mormon tea, morning glory (bush, tall), morning glory (shaggy dwarf), morning glory (western), moss (poodle, yellow yarn), moss (philonotis),
moss (bracchythecium, waterside feather, velvet feather), moss (pinnate homalothecium), moss (bryum, silvergreen bryum), moss (pohlia),
moss (tufted thread, tall clustered bryum), moss (fragile fork), moss (fringed candle snuffer, common candle snuffier), moss (fabronia, silver hair),
moss (coscinodon, sieve-tooth), moss (toothless grimmia, grimmia dry rock, pulvinate dry rock), moss (common beard, streamside schistidium),
moss (ciliate hedwigia), moss (cyprus-leaved plait), moss (white-tipped bristle, smooth bristle, pale bristle), moss (star),
moss (Arizona calcareous), moss (juniper polytrichum, polytrichum), moss (ovate pterygonerum, sessile pterygoneurum),
moss (tortula, wall-screw), moss (condensed weissia), motherwort, mouse-ear (common), mousetail (clubmoss),
mountain pride, muhly (marsh), mule-ears (badlands), mule-ears (mountain), mullein (great, moth),
muskflower, mustard (blue), mustard (garlic), mustard (flaxleaf plains, Jim Hill, small tumbleweed), mustard (hare's-ear).
mustard (mountain tansy, western tansy), mustard (slimleaf plains), mullein (great) [180]
N nailwort (creeping, James', Rocky Mountain), nama (bristly), navarettia (Brewer's), needle and thread, nettle (stinging),
nightshade (buffalobur, climbing, cutleaf, hairy, purple, silverleaf), nightshade (small enchanter's), ninebark, noseburn (branched) [16]
nightshade (buffalobur, climbing, cutleaf, hairy, purple, silverleaf), nightshade (small enchanter's), ninebark, noseburn (branched) [16]
O oak (bur, Gambel, gray, Sonoran scrub), oceanspray, ocotillo, old-man-of-the-mountain, old-man's-beard, olive (Russian),
onion (dusky, Geyer's, largeflowr, nodding, shortstyle, tapertip, two-crested, wild),
orchardgrass, orchid (longbract frog), orchid (Huron green, one-leaved, northern green, slender bog), orchid (purple-petal bog), orchid (slender=spire, white bog, Sierra bog),
orchid (showy), osha, owl's-clover (cryptantha, yellow), oxeye (mountain), oxytrope (Nuttall's) [33]
onion (dusky, Geyer's, largeflowr, nodding, shortstyle, tapertip, two-crested, wild),
orchardgrass, orchid (longbract frog), orchid (Huron green, one-leaved, northern green, slender bog), orchid (purple-petal bog), orchid (slender=spire, white bog, Sierra bog),
orchid (showy), osha, owl's-clover (cryptantha, yellow), oxeye (mountain), oxytrope (Nuttall's) [33]
P paintbrush (Applegate's Indian, cobwebby Indian, country Indian, desert, exserted Indian, giant red Indian, Lemmon's Indian, lesser Indian, plains, shortflower Indian, splitleaf Indian,
sulfur, western, wholeleaf Indian, Wyoming Indian, yellow), paloverde (Texas), panicgrass (few-flowered), pansy (field), paper flower (green stem, plains, wooly),
parachute plant, parsley (alpine), parsley (snowline spring), parsley (leafy wild, slender wild), parsley (bulbous spring, mountain spring),
parsley (mountain, purple spring, snowline spring), parsley (whiskbroom), parsley (Columbia desert), parsnip (cow),
parsnip (wild), pasqueflower (white), pea (golden),
pea (aspen, manystem, Nevada, perennial), pear (calleryana), pearly everlasting, peashrub (Siberian), peavine (cream-flowered, purple),
pennycress (alpine), pennycress (field), pennyroyal (Drummond's false),
penstemon (beardlip, blue, Bridge, broadbeard, Buckley's, Fendler's, firecracker, fuzzy-tongued, lilac, mat, mucronate, oneside, Palmer's, pink plains, Rocky Mountain,
royal, Rydberg's, sawsepal, scabland, shrubby, sidebells, sulphur, Whipple's, white, Wilcox's), peppermint, pepperweed (clasping, desert, field, mountain, Virginia),
phacelia (calthaleaf, distant, gypsum, harlequin, low, purple, silverleaf, threadleaf, timberline, varileaf, white), phlox (slender),
phlox (alpine, dwarf, carpet, flowery, Kelsey's, long-leaf, moss, mountain, prairie, Santa Fe, spreading, Stansbury's, thickleaf, threeseed, wild blue, Woodhouse's),
phlox (granite prickly, mat prickly), pick-me-not (narrowleaf), pimpernel (scarlet), pincushion flower, pine (bristlecone, limber, lodgepole, ponderosa),
pineappleweed, pincushion (desert), pinedrops, pinesap, pink (Deptford),
pinkfairies, pinyon (twoneedle), pipsissewa, pitaya, pitcher-plant (California), plantain (robin's),
plantain (common, desert Indianwheat, narrowleaf, redseed, woolly),
plantain (western rattlesnake), plectritis (longhorn), plum (wild), plum (ground), plume (Apache), plume (prince's),
poisonivy (western), polemonium (sticky, western), polypody (Rocky Mountain), pondlily (yellow), popcorn flower (sleeping), poppy (alpine, oriental),
poppy (California, desert, pygmy), poppy (flatbud prickly, Chisos Mountain prickly, prickly, white prickly), prairie smoke,
primrose (alpine, Parry's), pricklyleaf (fiveneedle), pricklypear (beavertail, Big Bend, Big Bend purplish, bigroot, plains, purple, spiny-fruited, starvation,
sweet, tulip), pricklypoppy (rough), primrose (brown-eyed, Peirson's brown-eyed), princesplume (green), propellerbush, purple fringe, purplemat,
pussy paws, pussytoes (field, flat-top, low, plantain leaf, littleleaf, low, pearly, Rocky Mountain, small-leaf, solitary, tall), pygmyflower, pyrola (pink), [189]
sulfur, western, wholeleaf Indian, Wyoming Indian, yellow), paloverde (Texas), panicgrass (few-flowered), pansy (field), paper flower (green stem, plains, wooly),
parachute plant, parsley (alpine), parsley (snowline spring), parsley (leafy wild, slender wild), parsley (bulbous spring, mountain spring),
parsley (mountain, purple spring, snowline spring), parsley (whiskbroom), parsley (Columbia desert), parsnip (cow),
parsnip (wild), pasqueflower (white), pea (golden),
pea (aspen, manystem, Nevada, perennial), pear (calleryana), pearly everlasting, peashrub (Siberian), peavine (cream-flowered, purple),
pennycress (alpine), pennycress (field), pennyroyal (Drummond's false),
penstemon (beardlip, blue, Bridge, broadbeard, Buckley's, Fendler's, firecracker, fuzzy-tongued, lilac, mat, mucronate, oneside, Palmer's, pink plains, Rocky Mountain,
royal, Rydberg's, sawsepal, scabland, shrubby, sidebells, sulphur, Whipple's, white, Wilcox's), peppermint, pepperweed (clasping, desert, field, mountain, Virginia),
phacelia (calthaleaf, distant, gypsum, harlequin, low, purple, silverleaf, threadleaf, timberline, varileaf, white), phlox (slender),
phlox (alpine, dwarf, carpet, flowery, Kelsey's, long-leaf, moss, mountain, prairie, Santa Fe, spreading, Stansbury's, thickleaf, threeseed, wild blue, Woodhouse's),
phlox (granite prickly, mat prickly), pick-me-not (narrowleaf), pimpernel (scarlet), pincushion flower, pine (bristlecone, limber, lodgepole, ponderosa),
pineappleweed, pincushion (desert), pinedrops, pinesap, pink (Deptford),
pinkfairies, pinyon (twoneedle), pipsissewa, pitaya, pitcher-plant (California), plantain (robin's),
plantain (common, desert Indianwheat, narrowleaf, redseed, woolly),
plantain (western rattlesnake), plectritis (longhorn), plum (wild), plum (ground), plume (Apache), plume (prince's),
poisonivy (western), polemonium (sticky, western), polypody (Rocky Mountain), pondlily (yellow), popcorn flower (sleeping), poppy (alpine, oriental),
poppy (California, desert, pygmy), poppy (flatbud prickly, Chisos Mountain prickly, prickly, white prickly), prairie smoke,
primrose (alpine, Parry's), pricklyleaf (fiveneedle), pricklypear (beavertail, Big Bend, Big Bend purplish, bigroot, plains, purple, spiny-fruited, starvation,
sweet, tulip), pricklypoppy (rough), primrose (brown-eyed, Peirson's brown-eyed), princesplume (green), propellerbush, purple fringe, purplemat,
pussy paws, pussytoes (field, flat-top, low, plantain leaf, littleleaf, low, pearly, Rocky Mountain, small-leaf, solitary, tall), pygmyflower, pyrola (pink), [189]
R rabbitbrush (Parry's, rubber), rabbitsfoot (annual), ragweed (great, skeletonleaf bur, western), ragwort (dandelion), ragwort (Fendler's, roundleaf, threetooth),
ragwort (arrowleaf, broom-like, dwarf mountain, golden, Holm's, King's, lambs tongue, tall, tall blacktip, thickleaf, threadleaf, Wooton's), ragwort (bashful, Hall's, openwoods),
ranger's buttons, raspberry (boulder), raspberry (red), ratany (littleleaf), rattlesnakeweed, red devil's claw,
redbud (eastern), red hot poker, reed (common), resinbush, rhododendron (great, Pacific), ricegrass (Indian),
rockcress (Fendler's, second), rockcress (hairy), rockcress (Graham's), rockcress (tower), rockdaisy (Emory's), rockjasmine (pygmyflower), rockmustard,
rocknettle (yellow), rose (clover-leaf), rose (prairie, prickly, wild), rose (little), rubberweed (bitter, Colorado), rush (scouring), rush (Torrey's), rushpea (Indian),
ryegrass (perennial) [58]
ragwort (arrowleaf, broom-like, dwarf mountain, golden, Holm's, King's, lambs tongue, tall, tall blacktip, thickleaf, threadleaf, Wooton's), ragwort (bashful, Hall's, openwoods),
ranger's buttons, raspberry (boulder), raspberry (red), ratany (littleleaf), rattlesnakeweed, red devil's claw,
redbud (eastern), red hot poker, reed (common), resinbush, rhododendron (great, Pacific), ricegrass (Indian),
rockcress (Fendler's, second), rockcress (hairy), rockcress (Graham's), rockcress (tower), rockdaisy (Emory's), rockjasmine (pygmyflower), rockmustard,
rocknettle (yellow), rose (clover-leaf), rose (prairie, prickly, wild), rose (little), rubberweed (bitter, Colorado), rush (scouring), rush (Torrey's), rushpea (Indian),
ryegrass (perennial) [58]
S sacahuista (Texas), saddlebush (Rio Grande), sage (azure blue, purple), sage (Russian), sagebrush (big, boreal, white), sagewort (field, prairie),
Saint Johnswort (common, greater), salal, salsify, salt-and-pepper, saltbush (fourwing, shadscale), sandlily, sandmat (Fendler's, whitemargin),
sandspurry (red), sandwort (alpine, beautiful), sandwort (bluntleaf), sandwort (baldhead, Fendler's, Hooker's, prickly), sandwort (spreading),
sanicle (Maryland), saracha (ground), sarsaparilla (wild), saxifrage (early, goldbloom, weak), saxifrage (brook, Oregon, snowball), saxifrage (spotted),
scorpion weed, scurfpea (lemon, slimflower), searocket (American), sea-spurrey (greater), sedge (blister, cloud, different-nerve, ebony, golden, Nebraska, rock, water),
seepweed (bush), selenia (Texas), selfheal, senna (twinleaf), senna (Trans-Pecos), serpent (singing), serviceberry (Saskatoon, Utah),
shepherd's purse, shieldpod (California),
shootingstar (darkthroat, Sierra), silene (nightflowering, Oregon), silverbell (Carolina), silverleaf (Boquillas), silverpuffs (Lindley's),
skeletonweed, skeletonplant (largeflower), skullcap (Britton's, marsh, narrowleaf, nose), skunkbrush, skunkcabbage (American), sky pilot (Rocky Mountain),
skyrocket (slendertube), smartweed (longroot), snakecotton (slender), snakeweed (broom, threadleaf), sneezeweed (orange),
snow on the mountain, snow plant, snowberry (common, mountain, western),
snowlover, Solomon's plume, Solomon's seal (false, star), sophia (herb), sophora (silky), sorrel (alpine), sorrel (sheep),
sorrel (alpine wood, redwood, slender yellow wood, yellow wood, violet wood), sotol (green), sowthistle (moist, spiny), Spanish bayonet,
spearwort (creeping, greater creeping), speedwell (alpine, American, bird's-eye, brightblue, Cusick's, gray field, hairy purslane, marsh, water), Spanish dagger,
spiderflower (yellow), spiderling (spreading), spiderwort (prairie), spikerush (needle), spindletree (European), spinystar, spiraea (Douglas', shiny-leaf),
springbeauty (alpine, lanceleaf, Siberian, Virginia, western), springparsley (plains), squashberry, spruce (Colorado blue, Engelmann),
spurge (beetle, horned, leafy, myrtle, snow on the mountain, toothed, warty), star grass (yellow), starflower (broadleaf), starwort (longleaf, long-stalked),
starwort (tuber), stickseed (western), stickseed (blue, Cusick's, many-flowered), stickywilly, stonecrop (orpine, Sierra, spearleaf),
stoneseed (manyflowered, narrowleaf, western), stork's bill (Texas), strawberry (Virginia, woodland),
strawberryblite, streptanthella (longbeak), stretchberry, sugarbowls, sulphur flower, sumac (littleleaf, smooth, staghorn),
suncup (California), suncup (golden), suncup (narrowleaf), sundrops (Hartweg's, lavenderleaf), sundrops (dainty), sunflower (Parry's little),
sunflower (common, little, Maximilian, Nuttall's, prairie, sawtooth, stiff), sunflower (common yellow), sweetshrub (eastern),
sweetroot (bluntseed, longstyle, western), sweetvetch (alpine, Utah) [188]
Saint Johnswort (common, greater), salal, salsify, salt-and-pepper, saltbush (fourwing, shadscale), sandlily, sandmat (Fendler's, whitemargin),
sandspurry (red), sandwort (alpine, beautiful), sandwort (bluntleaf), sandwort (baldhead, Fendler's, Hooker's, prickly), sandwort (spreading),
sanicle (Maryland), saracha (ground), sarsaparilla (wild), saxifrage (early, goldbloom, weak), saxifrage (brook, Oregon, snowball), saxifrage (spotted),
scorpion weed, scurfpea (lemon, slimflower), searocket (American), sea-spurrey (greater), sedge (blister, cloud, different-nerve, ebony, golden, Nebraska, rock, water),
seepweed (bush), selenia (Texas), selfheal, senna (twinleaf), senna (Trans-Pecos), serpent (singing), serviceberry (Saskatoon, Utah),
shepherd's purse, shieldpod (California),
shootingstar (darkthroat, Sierra), silene (nightflowering, Oregon), silverbell (Carolina), silverleaf (Boquillas), silverpuffs (Lindley's),
skeletonweed, skeletonplant (largeflower), skullcap (Britton's, marsh, narrowleaf, nose), skunkbrush, skunkcabbage (American), sky pilot (Rocky Mountain),
skyrocket (slendertube), smartweed (longroot), snakecotton (slender), snakeweed (broom, threadleaf), sneezeweed (orange),
snow on the mountain, snow plant, snowberry (common, mountain, western),
snowlover, Solomon's plume, Solomon's seal (false, star), sophia (herb), sophora (silky), sorrel (alpine), sorrel (sheep),
sorrel (alpine wood, redwood, slender yellow wood, yellow wood, violet wood), sotol (green), sowthistle (moist, spiny), Spanish bayonet,
spearwort (creeping, greater creeping), speedwell (alpine, American, bird's-eye, brightblue, Cusick's, gray field, hairy purslane, marsh, water), Spanish dagger,
spiderflower (yellow), spiderling (spreading), spiderwort (prairie), spikerush (needle), spindletree (European), spinystar, spiraea (Douglas', shiny-leaf),
springbeauty (alpine, lanceleaf, Siberian, Virginia, western), springparsley (plains), squashberry, spruce (Colorado blue, Engelmann),
spurge (beetle, horned, leafy, myrtle, snow on the mountain, toothed, warty), star grass (yellow), starflower (broadleaf), starwort (longleaf, long-stalked),
starwort (tuber), stickseed (western), stickseed (blue, Cusick's, many-flowered), stickywilly, stonecrop (orpine, Sierra, spearleaf),
stoneseed (manyflowered, narrowleaf, western), stork's bill (Texas), strawberry (Virginia, woodland),
strawberryblite, streptanthella (longbeak), stretchberry, sugarbowls, sulphur flower, sumac (littleleaf, smooth, staghorn),
suncup (California), suncup (golden), suncup (narrowleaf), sundrops (Hartweg's, lavenderleaf), sundrops (dainty), sunflower (Parry's little),
sunflower (common, little, Maximilian, Nuttall's, prairie, sawtooth, stiff), sunflower (common yellow), sweetshrub (eastern),
sweetroot (bluntseed, longstyle, western), sweetvetch (alpine, Utah) [188]
T tackstem (white), tamarisk, tansy (common), tansyaster (Bigelow's, fall, hoary), tansyaster (smallflower, tansyleaf), tarragon, tarweed (grassy, mountain),
tassle flower, teasel (Fuller's), tea (western Labrador), telesonix (James'), thimbleberry, thistle (prickly Russian),
thistle (bristle), thistle (bull, Canada, creamy, Eaton's, fringed, gray-green, meadow, mountain, New Mexico, Parry's, Steens Mountain, Tracy's, yellowspine, way-leaved),
thistle (Maltese star), thorn (crucifxion), thorn-apple (sacred), three-awn (purple),
threefold (American), threesquare (common), tickseed (lanceleaf), tidestromia (wooly), tinker's penny, toadflax (pale bastard),
toadflax (Dalmatian, sand), toadflax (Texas), tobacco (coyote, desert, tree), tobacco root, touch-me-not, touristplant,
Townsendia (showy), toothwort (cutleaf), tree (princess), tree (wayfaring), tree (California fan palm), tree (Joshua), tree-of-heaven,
trefoil (American bird's-foot, bird's-foot, narrowleaf bird's-foot, strigose bird's foot), trefoil (Greene's bird's-foot),
trillium (Catesbby's, large-flowered, least, nodding, southern red, sweet white, twisted, western, yellow), triteleia (largeflower),
trumpet (tiny), trumpet (white fairy), trumpetbush (yellow), turkeypea, turnip (prairie), turtleback (naked), twayblade (broadlipped, heart-leaved),
twinevine (Hargweg's), twinflower, twinleaf, twinpod (Front Range, Newberry's, roundtip, sharpleaf), twistflower (heartleaf), twisted stalk [91]
tassle flower, teasel (Fuller's), tea (western Labrador), telesonix (James'), thimbleberry, thistle (prickly Russian),
thistle (bristle), thistle (bull, Canada, creamy, Eaton's, fringed, gray-green, meadow, mountain, New Mexico, Parry's, Steens Mountain, Tracy's, yellowspine, way-leaved),
thistle (Maltese star), thorn (crucifxion), thorn-apple (sacred), three-awn (purple),
threefold (American), threesquare (common), tickseed (lanceleaf), tidestromia (wooly), tinker's penny, toadflax (pale bastard),
toadflax (Dalmatian, sand), toadflax (Texas), tobacco (coyote, desert, tree), tobacco root, touch-me-not, touristplant,
Townsendia (showy), toothwort (cutleaf), tree (princess), tree (wayfaring), tree (California fan palm), tree (Joshua), tree-of-heaven,
trefoil (American bird's-foot, bird's-foot, narrowleaf bird's-foot, strigose bird's foot), trefoil (Greene's bird's-foot),
trillium (Catesbby's, large-flowered, least, nodding, southern red, sweet white, twisted, western, yellow), triteleia (largeflower),
trumpet (tiny), trumpet (white fairy), trumpetbush (yellow), turkeypea, turnip (prairie), turtleback (naked), twayblade (broadlipped, heart-leaved),
twinevine (Hargweg's), twinflower, twinleaf, twinpod (Front Range, Newberry's, roundtip, sharpleaf), twistflower (heartleaf), twisted stalk [91]
V valerian (Greek), valerian (sharpleaf, Sitka, western), velvetleaf, velvetweed, Venus' looking glass (clasping), verbena (bigbract, swamp),
verbena (coastal sand, desert sand, fragrant white sand, snowball sand), verbena (wild),
vervain (MacDougal, Texas), vervain (beaked mock, purple prairie, rose, southwestern mock, wild), vetch (American), vetch crown), vine (matrimony),
vine (snapdragon), vine (puncture), violet (bird's foot, Canadian white, , downy yellow, goosefoot, halberdleaf yellow, hookedspur, long-spurred,
Nuttall's, swamp white, sweet white), vipergrass (cutleaf), Virginia creeper, virgin's bower (western blue) [39]
verbena (coastal sand, desert sand, fragrant white sand, snowball sand), verbena (wild),
vervain (MacDougal, Texas), vervain (beaked mock, purple prairie, rose, southwestern mock, wild), vetch (American), vetch crown), vine (matrimony),
vine (snapdragon), vine (puncture), violet (bird's foot, Canadian white, , downy yellow, goosefoot, halberdleaf yellow, hookedspur, long-spurred,
Nuttall's, swamp white, sweet white), vipergrass (cutleaf), Virginia creeper, virgin's bower (western blue) [39]
W wallflower (sanddune, spreading, western), water jacket, waterclover (hairy), watercress, waterleaf (ballhead, Fendler's), waterparsnip (hemlock), waxflower,
wheatgrass (crested), wheatgrass (tall), whitebush, white fairy trumpet, whitetop (lenspod), whortleberry (grouse), wildrye (Canada).
willow (arctic, Bebb, crack, diamondleaf, grayleaf, narrowleaf, peachleaf, Scouler's, snow, weeping, white),
willowherb (American, glaucous, glandular, hairy, Hornemann's, milkflower, pimpernel, tall annual, talus),
windmills (trailing), winterfat, wintergreen (greenflowered, lesser, liverleaf), wintergreen (one-flowered), wintergreen (sidebells),
wirelettuce (slender-leaf, small), wishbone-bush, wisteria (American), witchgrass, wolfberry (pale, Torrey),
woodbine, woodland-star (bulbous, smallflower, slender), woodsorrel (alpine, creeping, redwood, yellow, slender yellow, violet), woodyaster (charming, Mojave),
woolywhite (biennial), wormwood (boreal) [67]
wheatgrass (crested), wheatgrass (tall), whitebush, white fairy trumpet, whitetop (lenspod), whortleberry (grouse), wildrye (Canada).
willow (arctic, Bebb, crack, diamondleaf, grayleaf, narrowleaf, peachleaf, Scouler's, snow, weeping, white),
willowherb (American, glaucous, glandular, hairy, Hornemann's, milkflower, pimpernel, tall annual, talus),
windmills (trailing), winterfat, wintergreen (greenflowered, lesser, liverleaf), wintergreen (one-flowered), wintergreen (sidebells),
wirelettuce (slender-leaf, small), wishbone-bush, wisteria (American), witchgrass, wolfberry (pale, Torrey),
woodbine, woodland-star (bulbous, smallflower, slender), woodsorrel (alpine, creeping, redwood, yellow, slender yellow, violet), woodyaster (charming, Mojave),
woolywhite (biennial), wormwood (boreal) [67]
Y yampah (Bolander's, Parish's), yarrow (common, fernleaf), yellowcress (spreading), yellowrocket (American, garden), yerba mansa, yucca (redflower false),
yucca (banana, beaked, Mojave, soaptree, soapweed) [14]
yucca (banana, beaked, Mojave, soaptree, soapweed) [14]
Total number of entries listed above: 1,794