Latin names, Includes aquatics or insectivores …, Includes individuals with specified parts …, Inflorescence types, Leaf types
Family has individual Flowers with specified parts or characteristics
Passages in quotes are taken from _Plant Identification Terminology_ by James G. Harris & Melinda Woolf Harris.
An achene is "a small dry, indehiscent fruit with a single locule and a single seed (ovule)" (Harris & Harris)
Ranunculaceae (Clematis hirsutissima, Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida)
The anther is "the expanded, apical, pollen bearing portion of the stamen." (Harris & Harris)
Onagraceae (Epilobium hartwegii)
"Without petals." (Harris & Harris)
Nyctaginaceae (Mirabilis nyctaginea), Ranunculaceae (Anemone narcissiflora var. zephyra, Caltha leptosepala, Clematis columbiana)
The filament is "the stalk of the stamen." (Harris & Harris)
Apocynaceae (Funastrum cynanchoides var. heterophyllum)
An awn is "a narrow, bristle-like appendage." (Harris & Harris)
Poaceae (Hesperostipa comata)
A berry is "a fleshy fruit developing from a single pistil, with several or many seeds, as the tomato." (Harris & Harris)
Caprifoliaceae (Lonicera involucrata), Grossulariaceae (Ribes lacustre)
Ericaceae (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), Ruscaceae (Maianthemum stellatum), Ranunculaceae (Actaea rubra)
Caprifoliaceae (Symphoricarpos albus)
Asteraceae 3.1 (Arnica chamissonis)
Nyctaginaceae (Abronia fragrans)
Cornaceae (Cornus florida)
Polygonaceae (Eriogonum umbellatum var. majus)
A bud is "an undeveloped shoot or flower." (Harris & Harris)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias asperula)
Grossulariaceeae (Ribes aureum)
"Calyx" refers to all of the sepals. Connate calyces have fused sepals.
Caryophyllaceae (Silene latifolia)
Caryophyllaceae (Silene latifolia)
A cleft calyx is "cut or split about half-way to the middle or base."
Gentianaceae (Eustoma exaltatum ssp. russellianum)
Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus)
A capsule is "a dry, dehiscent fruit composed of more than one carpel." (Harris & Harris)
Hyacinthaceae (Muscari neglectum), Hydrangeacae (Jamesia americana var. americana)
Cleomaceae (Peritoma arborea)
Pubescent capsules are "covered with short, soft hairs." (Harris & Harris)
Onagraceae (Epilobium ciliatum)
Onagraceae (Epilobium glaberrimum)
Cupressaceae (Juniperus communis)
Equisetaceae (Equisetum laevigatum)
Male cones.
Cupressaceae (Juniperus scopulorum)
Apocynaceae (Apocynum androsaemifolium), Ericaceae (Arbutus xalpensis)
The petals that make up the corolla have two lips.
Campanulaceae (Downingia bacigalupi), Fabaceae 2 (Lotus corniculata), Lamiaceae (Hedeoma drummondii), Lamium amplexicaule, Scuttellaria brittonii), Lentibulariaceae (Utricularia macrorhiza), Martyniaceae (Proboscidea parviflora), Orchidaceae (Calypso bulbosa),
Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus)
Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus)
The corolla is shaped like a bell.
Boraginaceae (Mertensia alpina), Campanulaceae (Campanula rotundifolia), Colchicaceae (Uvularia grandiflora),
Iridaceae (Olsynium douglasii), Liliaceae (Fritillaria pudicus), Ranunculaceae (Clematis hirsutissima)
Iridaceae (Olsynium douglasii), Liliaceae (Fritillaria pudicus), Ranunculaceae (Clematis hirsutissima)
Gentianaceae (Gentiana algida), Grossulariaceae (Ribes cereum), Phrymaceae (Mimulus moschatus),
Sapindaceae (Aesculus pavia), Solanaceae (Nicotiana glauca)
Sapindaceae (Aesculus pavia), Solanaceae (Nicotiana glauca)
Gentianaceae (Gentiana algida)
The corolla has the shape of a funnel.
Bignoniaceae (Chilopsis linearis, Tecoma stans), Gentianaceae (Gentiana algida), Martyniaceae (Proboscidea parviflora),
Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus), Solanaceae (Datura wrightii, Nicotiana glauca)
Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus), Solanaceae (Datura wrightii, Nicotiana glauca)
The petals are wheel-shaped, at right angles to the stem, and are fused.
Gentianaceae (Frasera paniculata), Solanaceae (Chamaesaracha coniodes, Lycium andersonii, Quincula lobata,
Nicotiana obtusifolia, Solanum physalifolium)
Nicotiana obtusifolia, Solanum physalifolium)
Salverform corollas have narrow tubes and abruptly flattened petals.
Boraginaceae (Lithospermum multiflorum), Convolvulaceae (Ipomoea leptophylla), Elaeagnaceae (Elaeagnus angustifolia), Polemoniaceae (Ipomopsis aggregata), Solanaceae (Nicotiana attenuata)
Fumariaceae (Corydalis aurea)
Agavaceae (Leucocrinum montanum), Apocynaceae (Amsonia longiflora), Gentianaceae (Comastoma tenellum),
Orobanchaceae (Castilleja miniata), Paulowniaceae (Paulownia tomentosa), Themidaceae (Dichelostemma ida-maia)
Orobanchaceae (Castilleja miniata), Paulowniaceae (Paulownia tomentosa), Themidaceae (Dichelostemma ida-maia)
An urceolate corolla is shaped like an urn -- expanded in the middle and narrow at the top.
Asparagaceae (Muscari neglectum), Ericaceae (Arbutus xalapensis, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Gaultheria shallon, Menziesia ferruginea,
Vaccinium cespitsum), Euphorbiaceae (Jatropha dioica), Rosaceae (Geum triflorum var. triflorum)
Vaccinium cespitsum), Euphorbiaceae (Jatropha dioica), Rosaceae (Geum triflorum var. triflorum)
A corona is a "petal-like or crown-like structures between the petals and stamens in some flowers." (Harris & Harris)
Amaryllidaceae (Narcissus pseudonarcissus), Apocynaceae (Asclepias macrosperma)
"The inflorescence in the genus Euphorbia, consisting of a cup-like involucre containing a single pistil and male flowers with a single stamen." (Harris & Harris)
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia albomarginata, brachyceras, virgata)
A floret is "an individual flower within a dense cluster." (Harris & Harris)
Asteraceae-2 (Townsendia incana)
Sapindaceae (Acer negundo)
Caprifoliaceae (Lonicera morrowii)
A follicle is "a dry, dehiscent fruit composed of a single carpel and opening along a single side." (Harris & Harris)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias speciosa)
Fornices are small, arched scales at the base of the petals in some flowers.
Boraginaceae (Oreocarya humilis)
Zygophyllaceae (Larrea tridentata)
A gland is a "structure which secretes sticky or oily substances." (Harris & Harris)
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia virgata), Melanthiaceae (Anticlea elegans)
Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia virgata)
A glochid is "a barbed hair or bristle, as the fine hairs in Opuntia." (Harris & Harris)
Cactaceae (Opuntia polyacantha)
A glume is "one of the paired bracts at the base of a grass spikelet." A spikelet is "the ultimate flower cluster of grasses and sedges. (Harris & Harris)
Poaceae (Bouteloua curtipendula)
A gourd is "a fleshy, indehiscent, many-seeded fruit with a tough rind." (Harris & Harris)
Cucurbitaceae (Cucurbita foetidissima)
Fabaceae-1 (Astragalus shortianus)
Brassicaceae-2 (Physaria montana)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias asperula ssp. asperula)
An hypanthium is "cup-shaped extension of the floral axis usually formed from the basal parts of the calyx, corolla, and androecium, commonly surrounding or enclosing the pistils." (Harris & Harris)
Grossulariaceae (Ribes cereum, leptanthum, lobbii)
Grossulariaceae (Ribes aureum)
The keel consists of "two united lower petals." (Harris & Harris
Fabaceae-1 (Astragalus gracilis)
Fabaceae-2 (Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea)
A lenticel is "a slightly raised, somewhat corky, often lens-shaped area on the surface of a young stem." (Harris & Harris)
Betulaceae (Betula occidentalis), Rosaceae (Prunus pensylvanica)
A nectary is "a tissue or organ which produces nectar." Nectar is "a sugary, sticky fluid secreted by many plants." (Harris & Harris)
Cornaceae (Cornus alba var. alba)
Alliaceae (Allium cernuum), Asteraceae-4 (Brickellia grandiflora), Boraginaceae (Mertensia ciliata), Liliaceae (Erythronium americanum, Fritillaria pudica), Primulaceae (Dodecatheon pulchellum), Ranunculaceae (Aquilegia formosa),
An ocrea is "a sheath around the stem formed from the stipules." (Harris & Harris)
Apiaceae (Heracleum maximum), Polygonaceae (Persicaria lapathifolia, Rumex crispus)
The ovary is "the expanded basal portion of the pistil that contains the ovules." Ovules are "immature seeds." (Harris & Harris)
A superior ovary "is attached above the point of attachment of the other floral whorls."
Gentianaceae (Frasera speciosa)
The pedicel is "the stalk of a single flower in an inflorescence." (Harris & Harris)
Ranunculaceae (Delphinium bicolor)
Ericaceae (Chimaphila umbellata)
The peduncle is "the stalk of a solitary flower or an inflorescence." (Harris & Harris)
Nyctaginaceae (Abronia elliptica)
The perianth "is the calyx and corolla of a flower, especially when they are similar in appearance."
Iridaceae (Iris missouriensis)
Amaranthaceae (Allenrolfea occidentalis, Amaranthus retroflexus, Atriplex canescens, ...), Euphorbiaceae (Euphorbia albomarginata, Euphorbia brachycera, Euphorbia esula, ...), Ranunculaceae (Anemone multifida, Clematis columbiana, Thalictrum occidentale),
Saururaceae (Anemopsis californica)
Saururaceae (Anemopsis californica)
Agavaceae (Hesperocallis undulata, Leucocrinum montanum), Alismataceae (Sagittaria cuneata),
Commelinaceae (Tradescantia occidentalis), Liliaceae (Calochortus bruneaunis),
Melanthiaceae (Anticlea elegans), Trilliaceae (Trillium ovatum)
Commelinaceae (Tradescantia occidentalis), Liliaceae (Calochortus bruneaunis),
Melanthiaceae (Anticlea elegans), Trilliaceae (Trillium ovatum)
Brassicaceae-1 (Cakile edentula), Cleomaceae (Peritoma serrulata), Cornaceae (Cornus alba var. alba),
Gentianaceae (Frasera paniculata), Hydrangeaceae (Fendlera rupicola), Oleaceae (Forsythia x intermedia),
Onagraceae (Chamaenerion angustifolium), Papaveraceae (Eschscholzia californica), Plantaginaceae (Veronica americana),
Rubiaceae (Galium aparine)
Gentianaceae (Frasera paniculata), Hydrangeaceae (Fendlera rupicola), Oleaceae (Forsythia x intermedia),
Onagraceae (Chamaenerion angustifolium), Papaveraceae (Eschscholzia californica), Plantaginaceae (Veronica americana),
Rubiaceae (Galium aparine)
Gentianaceae (Comastoma tenellum, Gentianopsis thermalis), Polemoniaceae (Linanthus caespitosus)
Apiaceae (Conium maculatum), Boraginaceae (Cryptantha crassisepala), Caryophyllaceae (Cerastium arvense ssp.strictum), Crassulaceae (Sedum lanceolatum), Ericaceae (Chimaphila umbellata}, Geraniaceae (Geranium caespitosum) , Hypericaceae (Hypericum perforatum), Linaceae (Linum lewisii)
Apocynaceae (Apocynum androsaemifolium), Campanulaceae (Campanula rotundifolia), Caryophyllaceae (Ipomopsis aggregata), Convolvulaceae (Calystegia occidentalis), Grossulariaceae (Ribes inerme), Hydrophyllaceae (Nama demissum), Loasacae (Mentzelia albicaulis), Phrymaceae (Mimulus moschatus), Polemoniaceae (Collomia grandiflora),
Solanaceae (Chamaesaracha coniodes), Valerianaceae (Valeriana acutiloba), Verbenaceae (Verbena halei)
Solanaceae (Chamaesaracha coniodes), Valerianaceae (Valeriana acutiloba), Verbenaceae (Verbena halei)
Loasaceae (Mentzelia decapetala)
Gentianaceae (Frasera speciosa)
A clawed petal is narrowed at its base.
Hydrangeaceae (Fendlera rupicola), Malpighiaceae (Janusia gracilis), Saxifragaceae (Micranthes odontoloma)
Connivent petals are "converging, but not actually fused or united." (Harris & Harris)
Grossulariaceae (Ribes aureum, cereum, leptanthum, lobbii)
"Falling off ... not persistent." (Harris & Harris)
Ranunculaceae (Actaea rubra)
Gentianaceae (Gentianopsis thermalis), Parnassiaceae (Parnassia fimbriata)
Ericaceae (Kalmia angustifolia)
Onagraceae (Epilobium anagallidifolium)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias pumila), Asteraceae 3.2 (Gaillardia pinnatifida), Asteraceae 3.3 (Rudbeckia laciniata var. ampla),
Liliaceae (Erythronium americium, grandiflorum), Primulaceae (Dodecatheon pulchellum), Solanaceae (Solanum nigrum),
Trilliaceae (Trillium catesbaei)
Liliaceae (Erythronium americium, grandiflorum), Primulaceae (Dodecatheon pulchellum), Solanaceae (Solanum nigrum),
Trilliaceae (Trillium catesbaei)
Saccate petals are "bag-shaped." (Harris & Harris)
Fumariaceae (Dicentra formosa)
A scale is "any thin, flat, scarious structure." (Harris & Harris)
Grossulariaceae (Ribes aureum)
Rhamnaceae (Ceanothus fendleri)
Saxifragaceae (Mitella stauropetala)
Onagraceae (Clarkia pulchella)
Caryophyllaceae (Cerastium arvense ssp. strictum), Iridaceae (Sisyrinchium montanum var. montanum),
Parnassiaceae (Parnassia fimbriata), Violaceae (Viola bicolor)
Parnassiaceae (Parnassia fimbriata), Violaceae (Viola bicolor)
Liliaceae (Lilium philadelphicum)
Gentianaceae (Frasera speciosa)
Malvaceae (Eremalche rotundifolia), Orchidaceae (Corallorhiza maculata), Phrymaceae (Mimulus guttatus),
Saxifragaceae (Saxifraga austromontana)
Saxifragaceae (Saxifraga austromontana)
Campanulaceae (Downingia bacigalupii), Saxifragaceae (Micranthes odontoloma)
Caryophyllaceae (Dianthus armeria)
Asteraceae involucre bracts.
Asteraceae 3.1 (Arnica chamissonis)
A pistil is "the female reproductive organ of a flower, typically consisting of a stigma, style, and ovary."
Liliaceae (Calochortus gunnisonii)
A sessile pistil has "no supporting stalk." (Harris & Harris)
Gentianaceae (Frasera paniculata)
Frasera speciosa has two nectary pits on each petal.
Gentianaceae (Frasera speciosa)
A pod is a "dry, dehiscent fruit, especially a legume or follicle." (Harris & Harris)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias viridiflora)
Cucurbitaceae (Echinocystis lobata)
The receptacle is "the portion of the pedicel upon which the flower parts are borne." (Harris & Harris)
Ranunculaceae (Ranunculus cymbalaria)
Saururaceae (Anemopsis californica)
Ranunculaceae (Anemone cylindrica)
A samara is "a dry, indehiscent, winged fruit." (Harris & Harris)
Sapindaceae (Acer negundo), Ulmaceae (Ulmus pumila)
Apocynaceae (Asclepias speciosa)
Ranunculaceae (Aconitum columbianum)
Sepals are parts of the calyx.
Linaceae (Linum lewisii)
Patent sepals are "spreading or branching." (Harris & Harris)
Gentianaceae (Comastoma tenellum)
Nyctaginaceae (Abronia elliptica)
Pilose sepals are covered with long hairs.
Ranunculaceae (Ranunculus repens)
Onagraceae (Chylismia brevipes)
A silique is a "dry, dehiscent fruit of the Brassicaeae, typically more than twice as long as wide."
Brassicaceae-1 (Descurainia sophia)
Orchidaceae (Cypripedium parviflorum)
A spadix is a "spike with small flowers crowded on a thickened axis." (Harris & Harris)
Araceae (Arisaema triphyllum, Lysichiton americanus)
A spathe is "a large bract or pair of bracts subtending and often enclosing an inflorescescence." (Harris & Harris)
Amaryllidaceae (Nothoscordum bivalve), Araceae (Arisaema triphyllum)
Poaceae (Andropogon gerardii)
Grossulariaceae (Ribes inerme)
A spur is "a hollow, slender, sac-like appendage of a petal or sepal, or of the calyx or corolla." (Harris & Harris)
Balsaminaceae (Impatiens capensis), Fumariaceae (Corydalis aurea), Ranunculaceae (Aquilegia elegantula, Delphinium nuttallianum)
The stamen is "the male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and filament." (Harris & Harris) The stamens as a group constitute the androecium.
Ranunculaceae (Clematis columbiana)
'Ranunculaceae (Thalictrum dasycarpum)
Loasaceae (Eucnide bartonioides)
The stamen is "the male reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of an anther and filament." (Harris & Harris)
Scrophulariaceae (Verbascum thapsus)
Iridaceae (Nemastylis geminiflora)
A staminode is "a modified stamen which is sterile, producing no pollen." (Harris & Harris)
Plantaginaceae (Penstemon palmeri)
Polygonaceae (Eriogonum inflatum)
The stigma is "the portion of the pistil which is receptive to pollen." The gynoceium is "all of the carpels or pistils of a flower, collectively." (Harris & Harris)
Fumariaceae (Corydalis aurea)
Liliaceae (Calochortus gunnisonii)
Onagraceae (Clarkia pulchella)
Geraniaceae (Geranium maculatum, richardsonii)
Cactaceae (Escobaria vivipara)
"Head-like." (Harris & Harris)
Onagraceae (Taraxia tanacetifolia)
"Resembles a disk." (Harris & Harris)
Onagraceae (Gayophytum ramosissimum)
Ericaceae (Lonicera involucrata)
Onagraceae (Oenothera albicaulis)
The style is "the usually narrowed portion of the pistil connecting the stigma to the ovary." (Harris & Harris)
Ranunclaceae (Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida)
Liliaceae (Erythronium grandiflorum)
A stylopodium is "a disklike exapansion at the base of the style in the Apiaceae."
Apiaceae (Conioselinum scopulorum)
A tendril is "a slender, twining organ used to grasp support for climbing." (Harris & Harris)
Vitaceae (Parthenocissus vitacea)
A tepal is "a segment of a perianth that is not differentiated into calyx and corolla." (Harris & Harris)
Agavaceae (Leucocrinum montanum), Alliaceae (Allium macropetalum), Amaryllidaceae (Nothoscordum bivalve),
Hypoxidaceae (Hypoxis hirsuta), Melanthiaceae (Anticlea elegans), Iridaceae (Sisyrinchium montanum var. montanum),
Liiaceae (Streptopus amplexifolius)
Hypoxidaceae (Hypoxis hirsuta), Melanthiaceae (Anticlea elegans), Iridaceae (Sisyrinchium montanum var. montanum),
Liiaceae (Streptopus amplexifolius)
Elaeagnaceae (Elaeagnus angustifolia)
A tubercle is "a small tuber-like swelling or projection." (Harris & Harris)
Cactaceae (Escobaria hesteri), Polygonaceae (Rumex crispus)